How To Paint Roses: Watercolor Florals Episode Ten

by Shayda Campbell

How To Paint Roses: Watercolor Florals Episode Ten


GIVEAWAY DETAILS For a chance to win a Derwent Inktense Wash Set as well as a Koi 18 Pan Field Watercolor Paint Set simply comment your favourite episode of watercolor florals below Then make sure you are subscribed to this channel and have the notifications turned on Contest closes on end of day August 30th 2019 SUPPLIES ADDITIONAL TUTORIALS MY MOST USED ART SUPPLIES These are the products that I d want with me on a deserted island cuz I d obviously have lots of time for watercolor and hand lettering Pens Paints Papers Sketchbooks CONNECT W ME THEME MUSIC Music by Tobu Disclaimer Shayda Campbell is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for individuals to earn fees by linking to Amazon com and affiliated sites The cost to you for these products is the same but Shayda earns a small commission and that keeps the channel alive Win win




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