How To Tie Dye
What up So today I m going to show you how to tie dye So I got this little ti dye kit and I opened it like a monster But it came with bottles the die gloves rubber bands and this cover thing First thing I did was lay the cover down So the white shirts I printed on them front and back and if you would like one you can get one here First things just get it wet and ring it out so its damp To figure out what colors I wanted to use I got a practice shirt and just mixed up the initial colors I tested out the colors on the shirt From there changed the colors until there were how I wanted them You want them a little brighter cause it will fade a bit For the blue I used this black dye that wasn t meant for tie dying so we will see what happens So for the first design I did a serial and just feathered it out till I got to how I wanted it then I just put some rubber bands around it To get the spiral you are going to do little slices of colors and alternate the colors then flip the shirt over and do the same color slices in the same places you did it on the front so it matches You then put it in a bag and let it sit I let mine sit for 8 or 10 hours The black bled and made all the white spaces that turquoise color But I liked it Next oneI dyed the whole shirt the peach color Put it in the bag let it sit for eight hours then rinsed it Then I crumped up the shirt and splashed that black on there put it in the bag and let it sit for another 8 hours I loved how this one looked but because of that black it turned the pink purple still looked rad but _ ツ _ next one I dyed the whole shirt blue let it sit in the bag and rinsed it out I didn t like how dark it was so I just soaked the shirt in some bleach once it got to the color I wanted I put it in hydrogen peroxide After washing the shirt I then scrunched it up and added the rubber bands then dyed it with the blue green dye Romy also did one she did a spiral thing where she made every other slice a rainbow and left slices in between white she didn t like it really though haha If you wanted a white on white shirt you can get em here Music Alt j Breezblocks remixes by Kadugodi and Sebastian CarterFollow me and watch the art process Like Comment Share or what ever _ ツ _
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