Husky Puppies First Bath! [SHES A GOOD GIRL!!]

by milperthusky

Husky Puppies First Bath! [SHES A GOOD GIRL!!]


Soooo hello everyone If you didn t already know this is Lola The new beautiful addition to our family haha We are soon to be moving to our new family home which is so much bigger with a big garden in the country side We cannot wait We are still taking it slow with Lola although she has met millie and Rupert we want them to become friends before we rush anything They have been playing every day and it s so so beautiful to watch Day 2 of having her she was still full of poo etc so we had to give her a bathe and she was so amazing She is geniunly perfect for our family Sometimes she s over exited like Rupert and then others she s a cuddle gem like millie it s amazing to see both personalities in her So so much more too come Many cute videos and many pranks haha we have so many ideas Can t wait to carry on making you all smile Love you all Thanks for watching




  • by musubiyori 944

毎月29日は、先代ムスビの月命日&ウマウマデー!今日は旬なアンコウを使って鍋にしました^^ クラファンの立ち上げ日がちょうどウマウマデー、ムスビさんにも応援してもらったような気がします🌸 🌟クラウドファンディング挑戦中です!応援よろしくお願いします!! htt...