I Bought the Entire Colourpop Disney Collection…

by Allie Glines

I Bought the Entire Colourpop Disney Collection…


HELLO FRIENDS Todayyyy we re channeling our inner Disney Princesses with the NEW Colourpop x Disney Masquerade Collection I literally couldn t help it when I saw this collection I bought the entire thing whoops lol I put everything to the test and swatched all of the products to see which products I liked best I hope you all enjoy this video and I hope you find it to be helpful Who is your favorite Disney Princess Let me know in the comments I love you all XoxoUPDATE the Glossier Future Dew looked really nice for the rest of the night and it didn t get oily I m excited to wear it again Also the lip color dried down and lasted well through dinner I m super impressed with those too Hope that helps xoxo JOIN THE FAMILY VIDEOS MENTIONED PRODUCTS MENTIONEDCollections Eyeshadow Lip Cheek Kits Pressed Blushes Pressed Highlighters Lux Liquid Lips Additional Products Used WHAT I M WEARINGSweater H MNails Revlon x Ashley Graham in Standing Ovation BRUSHES I FREQUENTLY USE CAMERA LENS DISCOUNT CODES BUSINESS ONLY info alliegbeauty comSome links may be affiliate This video is not sponsored



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