I Dry Aged EVERY Meat, ATE them and this happened!

by Guga Foods

I Dry Aged EVERY Meat, ATE them and this happened!


After so many request to dry age every meat I decided to make it happen Not only did I dry age them but also ate it Man this was the most interesting experiment I have ever done and I am glad now I know what happens when you dry age every meat SUBSCRIBE to this Channel Subscribe to my Other Channel Guga MERCH My SOCIAL MEDIA Let s connect MAIL TIME Want to send something 13876 SW 56th Street 128Miami FL 33175 Dry Aging Equipment Meats by Grand Western SteaksUse Code SVE for 15 Off any purchase no restrictions For Personal Touch Speak to Rep Emilio 305 310 0559 F Y I They have picanha TELL HIM GUGA SENT YOU My New SMOKER and STOVE My Wireless Smart Thermometer My Knives FOGO Premium Lump Charcoal The First Ingredient OFTEN USED EQUIPMENT BBQ Equipment Sous Vide Equipment The link below has EVERYTHING I USE VIDEO EQUIPMENT My Music If you have any questions please leave a comment below and I will reply Thank you so much for watching see you on the next video We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon com and affiliated sites DryAge DryAgeBeef Experiment



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