I Got My Blackheads Professionally Extracted For $235

by Beauty Insider

I Got My Blackheads Professionally Extracted For $235


Almost all of us have been guilty of picking and squeezing blackheads but is at home blackhead removal just making our skin issues worse Producer Nico Reyes visited Claudia Colombo Skin and Wellness in New York City to receive a 235 blackhead removal facial from a professional The blackhead facial includes blackhead extractions skin scraping with a skin spatula and a cooling jelly mask Colombo walked us through the customizable facial and explained why extracting blackheads at home might not be the best for your skin For more visit MORE SKINCARE CONTENT Why This Facial Costs 2 000Why Victoria s Secret Models Love This 275 FacialThe Best Custom Facial In NYC Blackheads Facial BeautyInsiderInsider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know That s everything from news to food celebrity to science politics to sports and all the rest It s smart It s fearless It s fun We push the boundaries of digital storytelling Our mission is to inform and inspire I Got My Blackheads Professionally Extracted For 235




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