HeyGoogle let s DIY for our plants We re so excited to announce that this video is sponsored by Google You guys KNOW we love plants and our whole life revolves around DIY so a plant based DIYs are really the venn diagram of our dreams We DIY and use the Google Assistant to come up with a genius routine that will make caring for plants a breeze and also keep them alive at the same time Here s what went down in our Hey Google pamper my plants routine Google Home Mini plays jungle paradise soundsGrow lights turn onTurntables with plants rotateWatering system turns onHumidifier turns on Nest thermostat sets the perfect temperatureShades open to let in sunlight__OTHER PLATFORMS thesorrygirls everywhere ____This video is sponsored by Google The Google Assistant is available on Android and iOS phones Google Home products and for use with select smart devices Sequences shortened and simulated Google Assistant Routines are created by the user and do not immediately exist as presented in this video Working internet and wifi required __Please note that we are not professionals and that all projects seen on our channel must be completed at your own risk We do not take responsibility for any harm or injury that may occur Be safe
Hey guys! In today's video we are going to test out cheap vs. expensive watercolor art supplies to see if the price really matter,...
柴犬リコはニャンズのお母さん♥ リコも保護犬で成犬になってからの家族で過去に辛い経験をしていますが、愛情深く、おおらかな、そしてニャンズのお母さんとしてずっと見守ってくれています(*´ω`) 新しく家族になった子猫リク♥ リキと同様、リコも嬉しくて嬉しくてたま...
※English text →The last half!! こんにちは!マイニー ネイル ネイリスト酒井です。 ご視聴ありがとうございます♪ ◇チャンネル登録はこちらから↓↓↓ https://www.youtube.com/c/MaineenailT...
Is your plant dying? Are you still trying to save it? Are you thinking of trying to propagate whatever is left? This video is for ...
妳們可曾想過跟身邊的姊妹們到底熟不熟 這次找了室友小牛鬧場 邊敷臉邊進行熟悉度大挑戰! 快問快答實在是讓人有夠緊張 來看看我們平常生活到底有多鬧 又到底多瞭解對方吧 先說好 我們沒作弊! 只有害怕想不出自己的回答 就先寫下了自己的答案😂
The street kitten, which we named Street, loves to climb somewhere high. And today he even fell from a tree. But after a few secon...
크림 한입가득 먹고싶을땐 이거다! 코코넛 크림파이 ♡ Subscribe http://goo.gl/7g46xe @@Subscribe and Like always thanks !!!! @@
Amazing Cakes compilation 2017 ★ Chocolate Cake Decorating Tutorial ★ Most Satisfying Cake Videos
Now you know how watermelon hard candy is made.
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