by Satori Graphics



Today an Illustrator custom brush tutorial and how to use them to make an interesting and neat pattern design I did have a cold when filming this so excuse the weird voice but I hope you can follow the video tutorial and end up with some neat patterns while using custom brushes If you want to see more videos on Illustrator brushes just let me know they are a very useful tool and you can do lots of things besides make neat patterns in Illustrator I hope you can follow along and pick up the techniques today and then perhaps go away and make some of your very own patterns using those very same techniques Illustrator has lots of tools and functions available for making patterns but I feel the custom brushes is one of the best hands down If you found todays video on custom brush tutorial and how to make patterns in Illustrator enjoyable or useful let me know in the comments section and drop a like on your way out Subscribe to stay updated to all of my uploads and until next time design your future today peace 22 awesome font families for 15 SUBSCRIBE TO SATORI GRAPHICS 7 FREE SCRIPTS FOR ILLUSTRATOR 5 Things I WISH I KNEW As A Young Designer How To Save Illustrator Preference Settings MUSIC JULIAN AVILA SoloJULIAN AVILA Pineapple Paradise CopyrightThe work is protected by copyright This is applied to the video recording of itself as well as all artistic aspects including special protection on the final outcome Legal steps will have to be taken if copyright is breeched Music is used from the YouTube audio library and thus copyright free music



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