Indian Style Pasta Recipe In Hindi | मसाला पास्ता | Spicy Masala Pasta | Tiffin Recipes | Ruchi

by Rajshri Food

Indian Style Pasta Recipe In Hindi | मसाला पास्ता | Spicy Masala Pasta | Tiffin Recipes | Ruchi


Learn How To Make Indian Style Pasta Recipe In Hindi from Chef Ruchi Bharani only on Rajshri Food Make this easy to make Tiffin Recipe or Lunchbox Recipe of Spicy Masala Pasta Recipe aka pasta recipes Indian style pasta recipes in Hindi मस ल प स त and Pasta Recipes in Hindi at home and share your experiences with us in the comments section below Please click on the CC button for English subtitles Ingredients 1½ tsp Olive Oil1 tsp Garlic Paste1 Onion sliced1 Capsicum sliced8 10 French Beans cross sliced½ Carrot cross sliced2 tsp Corn boiledTomato Puree of 2 boiled tomatoes sieved1 tsp Garam Masala1 tsp Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder1 tsp Mixed Herbs2 tbsp Tomato Ketchup½ cup Water1 cup Fusilli Pasta boiled for 11 12 minutes by adding 1 tsp Oil and Salt and drained2 3 tsp Grated Cheese PaneerCoriander leavesMethod 1 Heat Olive Oil in a pan and add garlic paste and onion to it Saute on a high flame for 2 minutes 2 Then add capsicum french beans carrot boiled corn and salt Cook for 2 minutes 3 Now add tomato puree garam masala Kashmiri red chilli powder mixed herbs ketchup and mix well 4 Add ½ cup water and pasta and mix well 5 Finally add salt as per taste grated cheese and cook for 2 3 minutes 6 Garnish with coriander leaves and serve Masala Pasta is ready to eat HAPPY COOKING Host Ruchi BharaniDirector Vaibhav DhandhaCamera Kavaldeep Singh Jangwal Pratik Gamre Spandan Rout Akshay SawantEditing Dinesh ShettyProducer Rajjat A BarjatyaCopyrights Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited



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