미용비 대신 손을 받았다.
안녕하세요 슈앤트리 입니다. 사랑스러운 혼혈견 모모에요 :)
A sister approved James Charles mini makeup palette into CAKE FOLLOW ME Instagram www instagram com icingartistHELPFUL VIDEOS This week I am creating a fake James Charles mini makeup palette By fake I mean edible and by edible I mean cake Not only is this going to be a colourful cake on the outside but it is going to be a rainbow surprise inside We wanted it to be as bright and colorful on the inside as it was the outside We covered the cake in tasty vanilla buttercream frosting and then covered a square cake in black fondant Make sure to come back every week for new yummy videos Xo
안녕하세요 슈앤트리 입니다. 사랑스러운 혼혈견 모모에요 :)
お菓子作り動画#103 楽しいハッピーな気持ちになる Cake&Food 観るだけで楽しい気持ちになる動画#103 お菓子の技が凄い!! The Most Satisfying Cake & Food Video Compilation #103
How to make an all Gypsophila wreath of flowers with phalaenopsis detail.
◆チャンネル登録お願いします! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmsni79cpACD5vTIvfZAz4Q?sub_confirmation=1 ◆メンバー登録はこちらから https://www.youtube.com/c...
今期多く出ているパープルの洋服に合わせた トレンドメイクをして見ました! 以前、「エクセルのプラムニットの使い方を教えて欲しい」 とのリクエストもいただいていたので ぜひ参考にしていただけると嬉しいです。
This year I'm making it a project to learn how to illuminate, including the trickiest part - learning to gild! I'm posting a lett...
Not just funny bunnies ... the FUNNIEST bunnies (and hares). We haven't given the bunnies (and bunny lovers) of the world as much ...
💄二年前のツヤ肌メイク https://youtu.be/ZZ4tBqmkg84
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