James Charles EDIBLE MAKEUP Palette CAKE!
A sister approved James Charles mini makeup palette into CAKE FOLLOW ME Instagram www instagram com icingartistHELPFUL VIDEOS This week I am creating a fake James Charles mini makeup palette By fake I mean edible and by edible I mean cake Not only is this going to be a colourful cake on the outside but it is going to be a rainbow surprise inside We wanted it to be as bright and colorful on the inside as it was the outside We covered the cake in tasty vanilla buttercream frosting and then covered a square cake in black fondant Make sure to come back every week for new yummy videos Xo
エジソン箸も入る★かんたんカトラリーケースの作り方★How ...
できあがりサイズ 大 横24cm 縦9.5cm 小 横20cm 縦9.5cm
❤Easy Beaded Bracelet Tutorial...
Super easy bracelet! Great for beginners. I got the pattern from a Japanese bead book called 'Honey Beads", available on ebay. htt...
我人生第一次用馬來文跟馬來西亞人交流了... 覺得非常開心~~~\(//∇//)\ 如果大家去馬來西亞旅行的話可以用用看這些簡單的馬來文喔!!!
我的年度愛用品 - 愛的前導精華篇
快來訂閱我的頻道 ► https://goo.gl/3C2uTA
夏日西瓜皂DIY - watermelon handmade...
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Back to School Supplies Haul 2...
Welcome :) New videos everyday..
톡톡!⚡️ 팝핑캔디 체리 탕후루 만들기 : Cherry...
입안에서 톡톡 터지는 팝핑캔디를 붙인 체리 탕후루를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down be...
Octopus Tomato Spaghetti Recip...
We are making pasta with plenty of tomatoes, which go excellent with octopus. The sauce has absorbed the savory taste of the octop...
カワウソコタローとハナ コーヒーを淹れるたびに走ってくるコタ...
ダンディな父ちゃんがコーヒーメーカーでコーヒーを淹れると、音でコタローが走ってきます。 オレにもダンディくれよ!と言ってきますが、小僧のコタローに飲ませるわけにいきません。 諦めて綾鷹を開けて飲もうとしますが開きません。 そんな小僧コタローは水素水を愛飲してい...