ちびの寝起き 190121
This is how Asian style festival makeup is done in our own stye Check out the colorful makeup great for summer festivals by NAO the Japanese radio DJ and model She will show you how a Japanese Festival makeup is done in her own style Check out how different she has become compared to her old videos NAOがカラフルなフェスメイクに挑戦 今までは全然違ったNAOを見ることができます 7oさんの情報 KAWAII PATEEN TWITTER Produced by WAO AGENCY
Border design hand embroidery Hand Embroidery | Border Design | Hand Embroidery Designs
I'm so exited to collaborate with Dyson who is sponsoring this video. Dyson just released their new revolutionary Dyson Airwrap St...
Why does Aty know where the river is? I'd like to verify someday if Aty remembers the way or if he knows the location in another w...
普段、あまりシールを使わないのですが 思いのほか可愛かったのでご紹介♫
this video is sponsored by W Concept. go to http://bit.ly/2V9Kan0 and use promo code Jennywc10 to get 10% off everything !
안녕하세요 슈앤트리 입니다 :) 오늘의 주인공은 포메라니안 릴리에요!
▼今日のお弁当メニュー ・ごはん、ふりかけ ・ゆで卵 ・鶏と根菜の甘酢炒め ・レッドキャベツのマリネ →https://youtu.be/MrXqZw15bI0?t=122
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