グラステラリウム3030 https://amzn.to/3fL8Qgw
Bringing a parrot into your family is a lifetime commitment Living with and caring for a parrot takes a great deal of work patience and time Every single day parrots rabbits and other animal companions are being sold as commodities and then abandoned ending up in shelters rescues or thrown out on the street Millions of animal companions are abused neglected and left to die each year while pet stores and breeders continue to sell to meet demand These animals are all individuals whose lives have moral value They are someones not somethings If you recognize that it is wrong to use fellow sentient beings and treat them as things then please go vegan and if you are able save a homeless animal by adopting or fostering If animals matter morally if they are not just things then we have a moral obligation to stop eating wearing buying and using them To go vegan is to respect their rights and is the least we can do for them All Parrot Post videos are not monetized and none of them have ever been monetized I do not have a Donate button or a Patreon I am not an organization or affiliated with any organizations Parrot Post is run by a regular human who works to make a living and support her animal family members I aim to educate advocating the ending of all nonhuman animal exploitation through veganism as a moral imperative while sharing snippets of everyday life with these nonhuman individuals
グラステラリウム3030 https://amzn.to/3fL8Qgw
★むーくんの人気動画★ 全力で遊んで燃え尽きた子猫 https://youtu.be/cQHoSo7gJk0
Fluffy stray cat walks into woman's home to have her babies 💛
短足マンチカンの男の子、プリンです! 今日はのんびりプリンと走るプリンのいいとこ取りです(^^) 動画の撮影日と編集が逆になってしまい、今日のはお風呂に入れる前の日です。 こう見るとやっぱり毛並みがよくなったなぁ。
Want to learn to paint loose floral bouquets, wreaths and arrangements? Check out my online course Watercolor Flower Workshop and ...
Worth the Hype or Not? This the Most Colorful Collection I have ever seen!!! xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & After PHOTOS HERE » » »...
ссылка на шаблоны: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dCfWnl9UIrU7yiLDub4eQcdVftAzTtMZ/view?usp=sharing
楽しんでもらえたら「いいね」&チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! ⭐️動画の中で登場する「コスメ」「洋服」「インテリア」「日用品」などよく聞かれるアイテムを楽天ROOMでまとめています。 https://room.rakuten.co.jp/room_sasakia...
Soon Films is a food channel that introduces delicious street food.
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