Letterpress Techniques: Overprinting With Neon Pantones!

by Jukebox Print

Letterpress Techniques: Overprinting With Neon Pantones!


We demonstrate the use of our antique Chandler Price letterpress to craft a colorful business card using a technique called overprinting With the use of three Pantone colors and two printing plates we show how overlapping the colors in a design can create striking and unique results This behind the scenes video also shows how we set up our press and register our colors Follow along to see this press in action We ll be using Pantone Yellow 012 Pantone 806 Neon Pink and Pantone 801 Fluorescent Blue The combination of these colors can produce an incredible effect This turn of the century press dates back to 1912 when it was manufactured in Ohio based on the original patent from 1899 It s a Gordon Style letterpress with one of the largest printable areas manufactured at that time Using all new ink rollers and some elbow grease we brought this press back to life and have been using it to print and die cut some of our most challenging print projects yet Hand feeding each sheet helps us keep a close eye on color registration and quality which helps us produce the finest work possible We hope to engage with creatives all over the world to promote challenging and inspiring designs If you are a designer working in print and have a concept that pushes the limits please reach out We always enjoy collaborating with talented industry leaders to further the craft of letterpress By sharing these videos we hope to help artists and creatives learn more about the process behind our printing and create a community where print design will flourish Please leave any questions or comments in the comment section below and be sure to subscribe We have so many more videos on the way



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