【洪秀珠仿妝】真不愧是新一代整容模板 太好看了!
【喜歡請支持原博主】 視頻原址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av45550613 視頻轉載自:嗶哩嗶哩動畫網
In the very darkest time of the year we honor the light December 13 is a very special day here in Sweden when we celebrate the Lucia tradition And for many years now I have made it my own tradition to go out in the night to light up hundreds of candles with the intention to bring prayers of light and love our world It s always a very special and magical feeling even if this night turned into a snow storm will show you some behind the scenes in the next video haha The song that I m singing is my own version of the traditional Lucia song You can find the Swedish lyrics and a English translation down below or in the subtitles I hope you will like the song and the video It s made with love to all of you Thank you so much for watching MY SOCIAL MEDIA AND LINKS LUCIA SONG LYRICS SWEDISHNatten går tunga fjät runt gård och stuva Kring jord som sol n förlät skuggorna ruva Drömmar med vingesus under oss sia tänd dina vita ljus Sankta Lucia Trollsejd och mörkermakt ljust du betvingar signade lågors vakt skydd åt oss bringar Drömmar med vingesus under oss sia tänd dina vita ljus Sankta Lucia Stjärnor som leda oss vägen att finna bli dina klara bloss fagra prästinna Drömmar med vingesus under oss sia tänd dina vita ljus Sankta Lucia LYRICS OF THE LUCIA SONG ENGLISH TRANSLATIONNight walks with a heavy stepRound yard and house As the sun departs from earth Shadows are brooding Dreams of wings rustling over us in prophesy Light your white candles Saint Lucia Spells and dark powers with light you subject Guard of the blessed flames protection for us brings Dreams of wings rustling over us in prophesy Light your white candles Saint Lucia Stars that lead us the way to find become your clear flares fair priestess Dreams of wings rustling over us in prophesy Light your white candles Saint Lucia
【喜歡請支持原博主】 視頻原址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av45550613 視頻轉載自:嗶哩嗶哩動畫網
Hi GUYZ! 今日は、僕のいつものクレンジング方法をお教えさせてもらいます👏🏼🎶🌈
快來訂閱我吧►http://bit.ly/sgh-yt 追蹤我的生活►FB:http://bit.ly/fb-GH ►IG:http://bit.ly/ig-GH
材料: 雞蛋、煎蛋鍋、油、味霖、高湯或水 我們要一起走過好多個一週年 我不會放棄的~~~~~
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