Losing My $60,000 Birkin While Buying Drugstore Makeup

by jeffreestar

Losing My $60,000 Birkin While Buying Drugstore Makeup


HEY EVERYONE Welcome Back to my channel Hi How Are Ya Today I m finally reviewing and testing out drugstore makeup in another country I was just in London and all over the UK with one of my close friends Mmmmitchell on our sold out makeup class tour where on a day off I went to Superdrug Boots to try and find affordable AMAZING cheap makeup My life is never a dull moment so of course when we landed back in LA all our suitcases were missing Follow our journey of lost luggage losing my brand new Birkin bag and FINALLY doing a FULL face of Foreign Drugstore Makeup SNAPCHAT jeffreedahmer TWITTER jeffreestarWATCH MORE VIDEOS courtesy of NoCopyrightSounds




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