Loulou’s Diary 24| Jumping a ditch.

by Loulou & Friends

Loulou’s Diary 24| Jumping a ditch.


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Dior Lip Tattoo癮誘超模染唇露全試色+心得+持...

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Dior唇露六色全試色終於來啦啦啦~ 還加碼做了持久力+卸妝測試 堪稱史上最完整唇彩Review XD 今天資訊欄沒有寫妝容用到的東西, 因為影片是分了好多天拍的 搞到最後我根本忘記到底臉上是擦了哪些 ✌ More Catie ⇊ --------------...

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As an educator, I find these are the most common issues with Acrylic. Let me show you how we make these mistakes, and how to fix t...

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