MAKEUP WE STOPPED TALKING ABOUT + What I think happened....

by Jessica Braun

MAKEUP WE STOPPED TALKING ABOUT + What I think happened....


Sharing about drugstore high end makeup we all stopped talking about thinks that were super hyped then they disappeared S U B S C R I B E INSTA TWITTER FB itsjessicabraunFTC DISCLAIMER This video is NOT sponsored This post does contain affiliate or referral links which means that if you purchase anything through the use of my links I receive a small commission B I N G E W O R T H Y P L A Y L I S T S R E F E R R A L L I N K S Using these links means I make a small commission M E N T I O N E D Using these links means I make a small commission CoverFX Dewy Skin Primer 38It Cosmetics CC Cream 39 50Colourpop No Filter Concealer 7Anastasia Brow Wiz 23Milk Makeup Lip Cheek Stick 15 28My shade Werk Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder 39 Cheaper dupe Maybelline Fit Me Loose PowderAnastasia Sultry Palette 42No longer sold Milani Strobelight Highlighters 9 99My shade Afterglow Maybelline Color Sensational Lipsticks 7 49Shade I have 222 Flush Punch M O R E I N F O EMAIL for Business jessicabraunbusiness gmail comMusic BenSound com or Youtube Audio Library makeup grwm getreadywithme



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