カワウソコタローとハナ 父ちゃんの相席ササミ食堂 Otter Kotaro&Hana Love Chicken


カワウソコタローとハナ 父ちゃんの相席ササミ食堂 Otter Kotaro&Hana Love Chicken


今日は父ちゃん食堂でコタ課長とランチするOLハナ子 ハナ子のうまいもんを見つめる視線はなによりも真剣 出来る女は食うのも早い コタ課長はおかず食べたらごはん食べたくなる 食事はバランスが大事 オー人事 Hello We live in Japan with two Asian Small Clawed Otters Kotaro Male DOB 11 10 2017Kotaro has a scar on his tail from being bitten by another otter when he was still a baby Hana Female DOB 11 24 2018They have been toilet trained they use a special pad that is designed for small dogs Since I m using a translation function my sentences might come out strange Please provide me with corrections if anything is translated improperly カワウソ コタロー otter ペット かわうそ ハナ




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