This years holiday project is finally done A wintery white 17th century gown with contrasting beaded details Things mentioned The satin fabric was from Hamed Fabrics in NYC The rayon silk gauze was from FabricMartFabricsThe canvas fabrics used are from BiasBespoke The lining is a premium quilt cotton from JoannsGlass pearls were from Michaels If you would like to help support the channel please check out my Patreon It helps fund all my videos And contributing gives you early access to my videos and access to a bunch of exclusive content If you are interested in seeing more of my work or contacting me I ll leave links to my various sites below Email AngelaCostumery gmail com serious inquires only please My name is Angela Clayton I m a twenty two year old self taught designer and seamstress who is currently living on Long Island in NY FAQ Where is your dress form from I use three forms a vintage WOLF form a display form from Buystoreshelving com and a PGM form What is your table made out of My table has a surface of HOMASOTE which is a paper fiber board soft enough to push pins into What sewing machine do you use You can hear all about my machines in this video Do you recommend any sewing books Yes Read more about my library here What scissors do you use I have three main pairs
❤️Cute Puppies Doing Funny Things ❤️#6 Cutest Dogs
В этом видео я расскажу о всех возможных причинах отслоения гель лака от ногтевой пластины или базы. Учитывая все нюансы вы сможе...
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As you probably understood I'm a fan of BTS. I recently encountered some cool designs drawn on the basis of their songs and I want...
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★Recipe★ DIY Egg on Toast! Cute Strap 小さいのにリアル!目玉焼きトーストストラップ♡ https://youtu.be/bqZQ8-cMSQU
春に向けてのリクエストで多かったストールを簡単に編んでみました✨ 白で編んでつまみ細工の桜のお花モチーフで飾っても可愛いと思います🌸 使用した毛糸の詳細はこちらの動画で紹介しています https://youtu.be/8eCwe9L8ydQ
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