梅雨の季節に♪ 紫陽花の和スイーツ
DIY Louis Vuitton Cowboy Wallet Part 1 For our 100 000 subscriber special project we decided to make a DIY cowboy wallet out of an old Louis Vuitton bag Louis Vuitton fabric is fairly similar to leather when you work with it so it makes a good DIY project if the Louis Vuitton piece is beyond repair We re making a western style cowboy wallet and in part one we work on the exterior of the wallet We start by having the Louis Vuitton reclaimed material cemented to a backing of vegetable tanned leather A western style detail is cut by hand and saddle stitched onto the Louis Vuitton wallet exterior Then we make a snap strap hand stitch that with nylon threads from Japan and attach it to the front of our Louis Vuitton wallet In part two we will make the interior of the DIY Louis Vuitton Cowboy Wallet and stitch the whole thing together Thank you SO MUCH for following us on this journey It s crazy to have grown to 100 000 subscribers in such a short amount of time we re so thrilled to have you joining us every week for our videos
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