Complete with crappy pattern diagrams I go through the process of making a simple 18th century skirt that pairs with the Jumps featured in a previous video I FILMED THIS SO LONG AGO I ve actually filmed another 18th century skirt tutorial since then but since I promised this video months ago I wanted to finish it anyway NOTE This fabric was a lot heavier than I originally thought I didn t account for how the additional weight at the back of the garment would cause the petticoats to collapse after extended wear I would recommend leaving the skirt on a dress form overnight if you have one to see if this will occur with the fabric you ve chosen it s easy to raise the hem or the waistline before the pleats are sewn down Things mentioned additional information Pause at 1 22 for the measurements I usedAll the fabrics for this costume were purchased from Jo anns I believe I bought five or six yards for this skirt It s worn over self made foundations including a bum pad and tulle petticoat which was pinned up and accounts for any wrinkles in the skirt near the hem If you are interested in seeing more of my work or contacting me I ll leave links to my various sites below Email AngelaCostumery gmail com serious inquires only please My dress form is from buystoreshelving comMy sewing machine is either a 191D 20 grey new or a 1910 15 30 black very old About me My name is Angela Clayton I m a twenty year old designer and seamstress who is currently living on Long Island in NY I ve been sewing for five years and focused on period costumes and original designs for the last three I make costumes for fun and to expand my skill set so I can hopefully get a job in the industry someday Check out my FAQ linked about to hear more about me and any of the other sites to see more of my work I can be contacted with inquires about paid work via the email above Music was written performed and belongs to Chris Zabriskie side note a lot of my videos have been getting content ID claims so I may be repeating the same songs for a looot of videos in the near future I
鼠径ヘルニアのところが昨夜痛すぎて、うっ血もひどくなるし、股も腫れるし、座ってるだけでいたかったのに、病院行ったら、とりあえず我慢と言われた・・・(笑) 寝たら、80%くらい回復したよ!(笑)
Traditional Australia Dessert Lamington - Fluffy sponge cake coated with chocolate icing and desiccated coconut.
謝謝你的生物! ! Tokoton挖軍團!所以,可愛的小貓
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