こんにちは! ご視聴ありがとうございます♪
This tiny kitten is so funny and playful If you didn t know we decided to keep Zig Zag and another kitten named Jugg these two girls are now purrmanent residents and will be introduced to their two big brothers shortly stay tuned Purrlease support our channel Find us here SECOND YOUTUBE CHANNELHave a question Contact us at coleandmarmalade gmail com Affiliate Links may be present above About Us I love cats Cole and Marmalade are both rescued cats I ve been making cat videos since 2008 we do our best to entertain as well as educate We aim to make a pawsitive difference in the world we hope you can follow us on this purrfect journey
こんにちは! ご視聴ありがとうございます♪
저는 레몬이 첨가된 케이크를 원래 아주 좋아해요. 이 맛있는 레몬케이크를 미니 사이즈로 만들었어요. 아마도 여러분이 레몬케이크 많이 만들어 보셨겠지만, 이 번엔 요 레시피 꼭 소장하세요 ^^ 수분감과 텍스쳐를 잘 뽑기 위해 여러번 ...
There is a lot of great music all over the world which evolves every day. There are many beautiful makeup trends and fashion born ...
乳離れできない、というか、乳離れする気がない豆大福とオデコの勘違いがかわいいです^^ 秀吉さすが!って思ってもらえる動画だと思います♬
ゆきりぬさんにドッキリさせられるコラボ動画はこちら!! https://youtu.be/063EWDYAE5o 初めてのドッキリ。驚きでした。最高に笑いました😂✨
Hey guys! In this video, I wanted to chat about how I was able to make an income from my artwork, and share a couple of my tools t...
ダイソーのフレームで丈夫で収納たっぷりのマステBOXが出来ました。 &作り方もとても簡単です。マステ収納でお困りの方、是非作ってみてね。======================================= ①多いご質問・道具・商品については白くまch...
こんにちは☆Nail Salon JUNOの大槻です!
#エコバッグ #100均 #DIY 7月からコンビニなどでもレジ袋が有料化されすね! 今回は100均などで売られている手ぬぐい1枚で作れるレジ袋型エコバッグの作り方をご紹介します♪手縫いで作れちゃうので、ぜひかわいい手ぬぐいゲットして作ってみてください^^♡マ...
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