Mother cat cant contain her excitement and Screams of Happiness

by Kaja Cattery

Mother cat cant contain her excitement and Screams of Happiness


Divine is really good at cleaning her kittens She meows to let me know she is so happy I love her excitement Divine didn t liked all the stuffed animal surrounding her kittens so we put them out of her birth box The kittens are 5 days old If you want to follow and see the kittens grow up please like and subscribe to us If you liked the video please Like if you want more videos hit Subscribe LETS BE FRIENDS MUSIC BY Thin Places Jesse Gallagher YouTube Music Bengal Bengal Cat Bengals Pregnancy week by week giving birth giving birth for the first time Bengal kittens Bengal kitten Baby Bengal Bengal Cattery Kaja Cattery Prionailurus bengalensis Meowing kitten Exotic cat breed Labor Cat in labor Cat Screaming Pregnant Cat Cat giving birth Animal birth Animal giving birth Cat Pregnancy stages Cat Birth First time giving birth Newborn baby Pregnancy new born kitten mother scream loving bengal bengalcat cute babies givingbirth birth kittens suckling ASMR mothercat Welcome on the Official Youtube Channel Of Kaja Bengal Cattery We are a Bengal Cattery from The Netherlands We like to make videos of our Bengal Cats and our Bengal kittens We hope you enjoy our videos Welkom op het Officiële Youtube kanaal van Kaja Bengaal Cattery Wij zijn een Bengaal Cattery uit Nederland Wij vinden het leuk om video s te maken van onze Bengaalse katten en Bengaalse kittens Wij hopen dat je onze video leuk vindt Thank you for watching



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