Mother Cat Meows to let her Kittens Drink

by Kaja Cattery

Mother Cat Meows to let her Kittens Drink


Mother cat is so happy she gave birth to 4 beautiful kittens She meows to her sweet kitten to let them drink They are very active now and mommy want them all to drink with her Bella is such a good mommy She takes really good care of them Her kittens meow back just to cute They communicate the whole day lol The red light you see in this video is special UV light to keep the kittens and mother warm They also use this kind of equipment in zoos This is Bella her first litter and the video is filmed in 2018 These are the names of the babies Mister x he has a x on his back Diamond she has a diamond pattern on her back Angel he has a cross on his back Beast he is fuzzy and the biggest one in size If you liked the video please Like if you want more videos hit Subscribe Disclaimer Copyright Kaja Cattery Do not use this video Filmed by Kaja CatteryWatch our other videos Mommy Bengal in LOVE With Her Newborn Kitten Bengal Cats Visits Mother cat and her Kittens Mother cat Nursing and gives her purring Kittens milk LETS BE FRIENDS Music by bengal bengalcat bengalkitten cat pregnant givingbirth kittensBengal Bengal Cat Bengal Cats Bengals Cute Bengal kittens Bengal Kitten Kitten Baby Bengal Asian Leopard Cat Bengaalse tijgerkat Cattery Bengal Cattery Bengaal Cattery Kaja Kaja Bengals Prionailurus bengalensis Exotic Breed pregnant Pregnant Bengal Bengal Litter Bengal Cat Gives Birth 4 kittens 3 weeks pregnant hungry kitten Ready to give birth labour starts cat in labour Cat meowing Loud meow How to Tell If Your Cat is Pregnant Cat Pregnancy Symptoms Signs OF Cat Pregnancy Cat pregnancy week by week cat just gave birth contractions labor cat videos giving birth birth and delivery cat birth child cat birth kittens how to tell if your cat is pregnant Welcome on the Official Youtube Channel Of Kaja Bengal Cattery We are a Bengal Cattery from The Netherlands We specialize in Black Tabby Spotted Bengals We like to make videos of our Bengal Cats and our Bengal kittens We hope you enjoy our videos Welkom op het Officiële Youtube kanaal van Kaja Bengaal Cattery Wij zijn een Bengaal Cattery uit Nederland en specialiseren ons in Black Tabby Spotted Bengalen Wij vinden het leuk om video s te maken van onze Bengaalse katten en Bengaalse kittens Wij hopen dat je onze video leuk vond Thank you for watching



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