Shop ARTICLE for beautiful, high-quality furniture: https://bit.ly/2MG8MlH Thank you to Article for sponsoring this video.
My 5 Best Worst Luxury Purchases Jessica Clements With the holidays upon us I wanted to share some of my favorite and least favorite investments I ve made in my wardrobe If you re anything like me this time of the year is the PERFECT excuse for a splurge Whether it s for yourself or someone else wink wink I want to also add a BIG NOTE that this is a guide on what I ve loved and used and what I thought I would love but was either disappointed by or didn t end up getting a lot of use out of If there is something on my worst list that you LOVE don t let this stop you Unless of course there is something I talked about that you can t overlook Best Worst Aka just disappointing
Shop ARTICLE for beautiful, high-quality furniture: https://bit.ly/2MG8MlH Thank you to Article for sponsoring this video.
おむすびさんはおしとやかにマタタビパーティー、エースはヨダレが出てきて戸惑ってましたが、残り香で十分酔っぱらってコロコロしてました^^ マタタビパーティーのあとは床の掃除が必須です・・・。 久しぶりにブログも更新しました!https://musubiyori....
深夜0時に冷蔵庫の上で寝ている豆大福たちを撮影するお父さんがニヤニヤしてて怖いです^^ かわいい動画撮れました、なので、ニヤニヤしています♬
Next up in our 'Beauty of 2018' series is 'Unremarkable Products.' Honestly, there were not many for me this year. Especially form...
The Gorgonzola industry is worth over $800 million. Almost 5 million wheels are produced each year and production is confined to t...
✰ October plan with me inspired by magic and tarot cards! ✰ ‣Thank you to Wix for sponsoring this video, go get your free beautifu...
前回のベスコス♡プチプラ篇 ➡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrdInitvTvg&t=302s
Hello, dear friends! Today I propose to make chrysanthemum from ribbons or fabric. For this option, both satin ribbons and fabrics...
こんにちは! ご視聴ありがとうございます♪
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