NEW Cotton Candy AND Tie Dye Hard Candy!

by Hercules Candy

NEW Cotton Candy AND Tie Dye Hard Candy!


We went back to the cooling table and drew up a new plan to tackle the tie dye Hard Candy Don t worry Terry didn t physically tackle anyone We also took a crack at making some beautiful New cotton candy hard candy as well We made each of these stellar hard candies their own bag hopefully adding some color to your fall season Check out our Teespring merch IF YOU LIVE IN A WARM CLIMATE OR SOUTH OF KENTUCKY WEST VIRGINIA OR WEST OF WISCONSIN ILLINOIS AND PLACE AN ORDER WITH CHOCOLATE PLEASE READ THIS Please pick second day air with a cold pack if you don t we will have to call you and tell you that you need it Although we love talking to our customers we just don t have the time to do that So please help us help you get your order as quickly and painlessly as possible Find us on Facebook Hercules Candyoutro music hake by Jef2 on soundcloudCraig s YouTube channel Follow Craig on instagram noeggcraigThe following are affiliate links which means if you click on any of them and purchase anything from Amazon within 24 hours of clicking on it I Craig will receive a small commission If you love these videos and want to support me then it s a great way to do so without you having to actually pay me anything our chocolate tempering thermometer my camera my lens my editing suite my microphone



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