The Nightmare Before Christmas - HALLOWEEN 3D NAIL ART

by Naio Nails

The Nightmare Before Christmas - HALLOWEEN 3D NAIL ART


This is Halloween this is Halloween Well it s not yet is it Let s just pretend that it is because I Kirsty the pumpkin queen will be creating the most nightmarish design today So I am going to be creating a Jack Skellington nail OMG Yes this is real No you are not dreaming I have decided that for this Halloween My 40th Halloween may I add that I will be making a nail of one of my favourite animated characters and that character is the all elusive Jack Skellington OMG What a treat This design is going to be very true to the animated film and I will be using sculpture gel to craft parts of jacks body so that it looks very true to Tim Burton s original animated epic OMG How cool is that So strap yourself in because this Halloween we re going on a ride through Halloween town So there you are guys If you enjoyed this video please give it a like subscribe to our channel for more amazing videos and share it around and I Kirsty Meakin will see you in the next video Love ya xxxxxKirsty OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Websites jackskellington nailart nailtutorial




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