5 способов обработки края | ка...
5 способов обработки края изделия - русский -американский -канителью -пайетками -потайным швом
製作手工皂多年來都努力地避免甘油河產生 尤其代製母乳皂很難跟客人說明 製作過程都盡可能保持低溫以免進入果凍階段 然而這個月的製皂主題卻是要利用甘油河做出獨特紋路 於是添加了會升溫的香精以及容易產生裂紋的礦泥 儘管已經整條皂都果凍透了 卻沒有如願產生甘油河 儘管如此還是一條美皂 值得跟大家分享 I ve been working very hard to avoid the glycerin river in my soaps for so many years especially for those customized breast milk soap It s too difficult to explain to customer so I always soap in low temp and try not to get in gel phase The topic of the soap challenge club this month is making glycerin river design so I made this batch with the fragrance oil that would raise the temps and let the whole loaf into gel phase but ended up with 聯絡信箱 E mail liao yvonne gmail com
5 способов обработки края изделия - русский -американский -канителью -пайетками -потайным швом
Fotoğraf çekimlerini yaptığım fotoğrafçı instagram hesabı: @babymoments.photo
Organise with me! Clearing out & decluttering my everyday makeup bag! + SUBSCRIBE HERE // http://bit.ly/1KIpZBE
Hi guys ! I hope you are doing amazingly.You have no idea how much I miss your guys !! I have a lot of explaining to do but some o...
2019.1/16(水)より、nailland各店にてオーダーいただけます。 【オーダーはこちら】 http://www.nailland.jp/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00:23 ①ベースジェルを塗布 00:34...
Thanks so much for tuning into today’s video - PAT MCGRATH - Blitz Astral Quad - Iconic Illumination Review. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
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