우주를줄게! 갤럭시요거트마카롱만들기| 달미인銀河酸奶馬卡...
오늘은빛깔이너무예쁜우주를담은갤럭시마카롱을만들었어요! 갤럭시쉘에새하얀요거트크림이들어가서넘예쁜갤럭시요거트마카롱이에요♥은색펄색소로신비한느낌의장식도해보고,식용은구슬로별자리도만들고너무즐거운베이킹시간이었어요^。^겨울왕국분위기가나는것같기도하고,신...
As if it wasn t despicable enough to abandon a pet in this case they abandoned him with a broken back crying out in pain We found him first thing this morning tied to the door of our house We had to sedate him to relieve his pain and perform all the necessary tests X rays ultrasound CT scan and MRI
오늘은빛깔이너무예쁜우주를담은갤럭시마카롱을만들었어요! 갤럭시쉘에새하얀요거트크림이들어가서넘예쁜갤럭시요거트마카롱이에요♥은색펄색소로신비한느낌의장식도해보고,식용은구슬로별자리도만들고너무즐거운베이킹시간이었어요^。^겨울왕국분위기가나는것같기도하고,신...
こんにちは! ご視聴ありがとうございます♪
I am going to make several tutorials of UV resin jewelry. This one is inspired by the posts of candy color ticket that I found on ...
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
🌸 Aprende a tejer la flor Molly aquí: https://youtu.be/Ri0UJlmzgf0
Hey everyone! Today I’ll be trying out a weird sticky slime cleanser.
Follow along as practice our flowers and leaves and then work on a larger watercolor wreath!
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