Box Maze Challenge! Think Outs...
#Kittisaurus #Kitten Today, I made my cats a maze out of boxes! They surprised me with their maze solving skills!
Q A Video Real time sketching w Markers and Coloured Pencils Q A Video Real time painting with Acrylic Inks How to Find Your Art Style How to Grow your Social Media My Favourite Art Supplies PATREON MY SHOP INSTAGRAM 2 FREE MONTHS OF SKILLSHARE ART SUPPLIES Paint brushes by Raphael Royal Langnickel and Nobel VIDEO EQUIPMENT iPhone XR to film footage Rock Band Microphone to record voiceover Adobe Premiere Pro to edit MAILING ADDRESS Tina Tran473 Church StSuite 251Toronto ON M4Y 2C5Canada MUSIC Some links are affiliate codes if you purchase using the links provided I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you
#Kittisaurus #Kitten Today, I made my cats a maze out of boxes! They surprised me with their maze solving skills!
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Luna the juvenile Eastern Kingsnake and Beau the Bullsnake went out today for a little sun and fresh air. Both are harmless and no...
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