Pasta Grannies discovers Nonna Rosas straw and hay tagliatelle!

by Pasta Grannies

Pasta Grannies discovers Nonna Rosas straw and hay tagliatelle!


This week s heroine Nonna is Rosa from Faenza in Emilia Romagna who shares her recipe for paglia e fieno or straw and hay tagliatelle She serves it with a pea and pancetta sugo




  • by ひのき猫 970

子猫の面倒を見るイクメン秀吉もまだ1歳なので、一人で遊びたいときもあるみたいです^^ 秀吉を慕っていくオイロも可愛いですが、一人遊びする秀吉もかわいいです♬

오오.. 살려주새오!

  • by 크집사 782

봄을 맞아 고양이들이 몸단장을 했어요. 루루가 똑똑해져서 발톱깎기가 점점 어려워져요.