PLAN WITH ME | December 2019 Bullet Journal Setup

by AmandaRachLee

PLAN WITH ME | December 2019 Bullet Journal Setup


how is it december already thank you for doodling with me in 2019 can t wait for 2020 Start your free trial and enter code amandarachlee to get 10 off your first purchase I N S P I R A T I O NHere are some things that inspired me this month F O L L O W M EInstagram amandarachleeTikTok amandarachleeBusiness Inquiries amandarachlee gmail comM Y P O B O XSend me cute letters notes if you want Amanda LeePO Box 152 Toronto B Toronto ONM5T 2T3 M Y S U P P L I E SUse code AMANDA10 for 10 off Links are affiliate I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you My earrings in this video Silver Trio Hoops by MejuriGet 10 off ttp youtube mejuri com amandarachlee Editor Kassy GaschoAnimation Design Sirana Huang D I S C L A I M E RThis video by sponsored by Squarespace




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