Plan With Me - October 2019 Bullet Journal Setup

by Miss McKenna's Life Leverage

Plan With Me - October 2019 Bullet Journal Setup


Hello my lovelies Depression is a very real and debilitating thing I hope that if you suffer with it that you find some comfort in knowing that you re not alone and that things CAN get better All my love and hugs and support xxxxFind meThe bullet journal method by Ryder Carroll Sakura Gelly Roll white penTombow dual brush pens PASTELSTombow dual brush pens BRIGHTSTombow dual brush pens GREY SCALELemome A5 dot grid journalBlack Micron Pens I am an affiliate for some of the products I use which means that if you use one of my links I get a small commission for your purchase at no extra cost to you I promise to only advertise products that I have tried and love and that I think you ll love too




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▼隙間埋め竹輪メニュー ①キュウリ竹輪、オクラ竹輪 ②三つ編み竹輪 ③シソチーチくるくる ④梅シソ竹輪くるくる ⑤海苔チーチくるくる ⑥スプラウト(カイワレ)竹輪 ⑦うずら卵竹輪の照り焼き ⑧味噌マヨ竹輪焼き、明太マヨ竹輪焼き ⑨竹輪の磯辺揚げ ⑩竹輪のカレー...


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こんにちは、Chieです♪ご覧いただいてありがとうございます。 楽しんでいただけたら高評価、チャンネル登録をお願いいたします! コメントの返信はできないことが多いですが、全部読んでます♪あったかいコメントを見るたびに嬉しいです♡

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