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Langweilige Wände umgestalten, ohne neu zu tapezieren? Patricia Morgenthaler zeigt, wie's geht!
Hey guys It s time for another plan with me bullet journal setup for September 2017 The bujo setup for September and its cover is inspired by the upcoming season fall I will show you how I paint wreath with leafs using watercolors and how I set up my monthly and weekly spread Thumbs up for organization videos on this channel NEW VIDEO EVERY THURSDAY SATURDAY Hashtag your artwork recreations with lookmako so I can find it and feature it in my next videos Bullet Journal Supplies Film Editing Gear Editing Software Sony Vegas Pro 13 If you have any questions feel free to comment down below Thank you so much for watching guys have a wonderful day and I will see you on Thursday mako Let s stay in touch Art Crafty Bullet Journal Amino makoccino WANT TO WATCH MORE OF MY VIDEOS TOP 5 MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Fun Creative Things To Do When You Are Bored At Home Other links MUSIC EpidemicSound comDisclaimer not sponsored Links marked with are affiliate links This means I get a very small commission that may benefit me financially if you buy one of my products mentioned here
Langweilige Wände umgestalten, ohne neu zu tapezieren? Patricia Morgenthaler zeigt, wie's geht!
I love Pecan Pie as much as YOU do but recipes for Pecan Pie are ten-a-penny! I always want to try and give you a little something...
Soldier Coming Home and being helped by dogs compilation for Memorial Day 2017. Videos include:
PATTERN \ СХЕМА https://ru.pinterest.com/pin/464996730270791420/
No-bake Fudgy Brownies (Vegan)
고양이와 함께하는 집사의 술 먹방 시간! 생연어를 자르고 고양이들에게 주고, 집사는 연어덮밥에 와인을 곁들여 먹어요. 집사와 고양이의 일상을 함께해주세요!
Сбор средств на дом для животных и их мамы: Карта сбербанка 4276 5500 5874 9378 Валеева Екатерина Сергеевна. Донаты: http://www.do...
サブチャンネルはこちらhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyORS4fqZAoql_7pJ20D-LA 実写版LINEスタンプはこちら↓ https://line.me/S/sticker/5490208 LINE...
Happy Sunday everyone! Sorry for being MIA on Youtube I've been working on some commissions and I'm currently in the process of mo...
안녕하세요 쪼꼬미 여러분~? ♥.♥ 오늘은 레진과 우드컵받침으로 파도가 넘실대는 코스터(컵받침)을 만들어 봤어요!! 정말 풍덩 빠질 수 있을 것 같지 않나요?! 층층이 높이가 달라서 한가지색 레진을 붓기만 해도 예쁜 그라데이션이 나...
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