Platinum - Silver Icy Make-up Look


Platinum - Silver Icy Make-up Look


Used ProductsEYESNYX Liquid Suede SandstormMake up Geek BandwagonNabla Platinum PaletteKiko 208Kiko Eyepencil 49Colourpop antimatterMake up Factory Glitter BasePixi Beauty Black EyepencilTammy Tanuka She who breaks ice chainsArtdeco Liquid Eyeliner 18Artdeco Curling MascaraArdell Faux Mink 811LIPSFenty Beauty UncuffedCONTACTSNo colored Contacts hereDISCLAIMERThis Video is not sponsored some of the shown products I ve received via PR some I ve bought myself Contactinfo picturresque deMUSICLovedrunk Fired upJones Meadow Tsunami



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