♡ How to: French & Fade w Gel

by Jessica Angelique Winsenne

♡ How to: French & Fade w Gel


Hey I hope you like this video also let me know what kind of videos you d like to see in the future I made a couple videos before uploading this one but wasn t satisfied with them I really can t just upload anything I hope you understand Products used en Vogue Prep Cleanen Vogue Simply super bonden Vogue Simply Clear gelen Vogue Simply Blush gelen Vogue Ultra white gelen Vogue Simply Super Shineen Vogue SPA Repair Renew Cuticle oilen Vogue Oval brushen Vogue Square brushWhite glitter Where to get the products Make sure you use my code Jessica at the check out to redeem 10 off of your purchases My other discount codes www Madamglam com 30 off Jeswin30 www diyhardnails com 15 off Jessicaaw15 Social media Music Stronger Lemon fight ft Jessica Reynoso NCS Release Contact Contactjessicaangelique gmail com




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