by jeffreestar



I owe it to all of you to be brutally honest about my past and I m here today to discuss old videos of me that have been resurfacing lately I want to clear the air about drama rumors and being accused of being racist I love and respect all of you for allowing me to be honest and real with you guys I may not always be understood but you get ME My message has always been about self expression and loving yourself I m learning that still but it s been a long journey With having such a huge social media platform I ve decided to start being 100 OPEN and talk about some serious subjects and my mistakes Thank you for listening SNAPCHAT jeffreedahmer TWITTER jeffreestar




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【DIY】Glass dome Christmas Earr...

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ガラスドームのオーナメント風クリスマスイヤリングを作ってみました! キラキラのクリスマスカラーとシンプルな雪をイメージしたピアス、 プレゼントにもいかがでしょうか🎄🎁

Yummy cooking spring rolls rec...

  • by Natural Life TV 1215

Hi every one welcome to visit my channel is talk about primitive catch and cook in forest life style. Please subscribe me to view ...



イタリア2日目はだてメガネとベレー帽を被って カジュアルにしてみました♪ 1日目のドレッシーな雰囲気とはまた違ったメイクになってます! 今回はリップとチークが一緒で統一感を出し 目元にゴールドを入れました^^