Raw Mango Drink - Aam Panna - Easy To Make Homemade Quick Summer Drink Recipe by Ruchi Bharani

by Rajshri Food

Raw Mango Drink - Aam Panna - Easy To Make Homemade Quick Summer Drink Recipe by Ruchi Bharani


Learn how to make Raw Mango Drink Aam Panna Easy To Make Homemade Quick Summer Drink Recipe by Ruchi Bharani Raw Mango Drink Aam Panna Recipe by Ruchi Bharani HD INGREDIENTS 2 raw mangoes3 4 cup sugar1 2 tsp black salt1 2 tsp salt3 tbsp mint leaves1 4 tsp cumin seed powdercrushed ice2 cups waterMETHOD Wash the 2 mangoes thoroughly Add 2 cups of water and pressure cook them Let them cool down completely Peel the skin and remove the pulp of the mangoes Pour the pulp in a bowl Add mint leaves black salt salt cumin seed powder Add sugar Blend well Add some crushed ice and blend again Adjust all the other ingredients as per the sourness of the mangoes Pass the drink through a sieve before serving NOTE If sugar conscious you can use sugar free or honey instead




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子猫たちの育児で疲れる親猫たちの束の間の休養してる様子に癒されます^^ とは言っても、1日の半分以上こんな様子なんですけどもね(汗) 気持ち良さそうな寝姿がかわいいです♬

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