rose gold glam makeup tutorial/ introducing my second furless collaboration!

by itslikelymakeup

rose gold glam makeup tutorial/ introducing my second furless collaboration!


LIMITED EDITION HOLIDAY ITSLIKELYMAKEUP merch designs all drawn by me don t forget to thumbs up subscribe you beautiful babes xo bookings collabs itslikelymakeup hotmail com FACEmilk luminous blur stickrutuel de fille foundationrevolution concealerrevolution baking powderstellar beauty flare blushfenty highlightEYESbh cosmetics royal affair paletteofra bo y eyes liquid eyeshadow itslikelymakeup for 30 off milk gel liner bonushouse of lashes allura lashesBROWSmilk brow gel dutchLIPSmy gloss furless convertible imposter music provided by epidemic sound this video is not sponsored by any brand mentioned some products were sent for free some codes earn a small commission love yall



부드러운 딸기케이크 만들기 /How to make St...

  • by 조꽁드Joconde's Baking 713

안녕하세요.^^ 마트에 갔더니.. 사람은 없지만... 딸기는 가득하더군요 ^^;; 그중에 무농약으로 키운 작고 앙증맞은 딸기가 나왔더라구요. 요즘은 과일들이 모두 무시무시하게 큰데.. 딸기까지 정말 너무 커요. 얼마나 좋은 약을...