美食台 | 不做這道菜,不知自己手藝有多好!
蔬菜和肉糜的搭配中,釀菜算是最經典的壹種。香菇、苦瓜、茄子拿來釀肉都不稀奇,但是豆角釀肉想必很多人沒見過,像編花環壹樣把長豇豆編成容器,釀入肉糜,稍稍煎壹下就很好吃,做起來簡單又好玩,絕對讓妳對自己的手藝充滿自信! Among all the combinat...
Sabu makha is Bengal summers in a bowl This no cook snack made with sabu sabudana in Hindi is perfect for the hot and humid days when cooking can feel like a painful task even for those who love to cook You really can use any fruit you like but we have chosen Martaman bananas sweet ripe and fragrant Himsagar mangoes and soft and juicy variety gola kathal or jackfruit The grated coconut adds texture and flavour with every bite The acidity from the Gandharaj lime a lime found in Bengal that is similar in fragrance to kaffir lime cuts through the sweetness to create the perfect balance This is something we grew up eating for breakfast and sometimes for evening snack in late summer and monsoons when the mangoes and the jackfruits ripen __ RECIPE WITH INGREDIENT LIST __ CURIOUS ABOUT OUR KITCHEN POTS PANS GET THE BONG EATS PHUCHKA T SHIRT __ MUSIC Chowringhee Bong Eats composed by Bemanan GET THE ALBUM for listening only Cooking Bong Eats recipes SHOW US YOUR PHOTOS Instagram bongeatsOr follow us on Twitter bongeats Facebook bongeats
蔬菜和肉糜的搭配中,釀菜算是最經典的壹種。香菇、苦瓜、茄子拿來釀肉都不稀奇,但是豆角釀肉想必很多人沒見過,像編花環壹樣把長豇豆編成容器,釀入肉糜,稍稍煎壹下就很好吃,做起來簡單又好玩,絕對讓妳對自己的手藝充滿自信! Among all the combinat...
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Very simple kurti neck design stitching tutorial, Simple and easy neck design stitch
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