Summer Makeup Transformation! ...
Hey guys, coming to you all with a flirty peachy look today! I’ve partnered with my longest love in the world of Brushes: Sigma Be...
Just as the title suggests we tried to make tempura using shrimp and soba It may sound like a joke initially but it actually tastes really good I would recommend it Please note that it does not double up as a Christmas tree ornament Recipe Makes 7 Servings of Shrimp and Soba Tempura of 5 5 cm in Diameter 1 Remove the veins of the shrimps and boil the shrimps in their shells for about 2 5 minutes 2 Cool them on the bamboo basket and remove the shells 3 Boil the soba Use 100g of the dried noodles as shown on the packaging this time around 4 Rinse with water and dry well 5 Wrap 2 prepared shrimps in 4 noodles and freeze The weight of each piece is about 50g 6 Dip the frozen result from 5 in tempura powder that has been dissolved in water and fry 150g of water should be added to 120g of tempura powder The result will be thicker than shown on the packaging 7 Enjoy immediately It tastes amazing if you top it with green onions and ginger and dip it in the tempura sauce I guess you can definitely use it as decoration on the Christmas tree It would work wouldn t it I m sorry まさに読んで字の如く そばとエビを天ぷらにしてみました 一見ふざけてるみたいだけど 味はすごくいい おすすめです クリスマスシツリーのオーナメントにはなりませんのでご注意ください レシピ 直径5 5センチ エビ天ぷらそば 7個分 1 エビの背わたを取り 2分半ほど殻ごと茹でる 2 ザルの上で冷まし 殻をむく 3 そばを茹でる 今回は乾麺 100gを袋の表示通り茹でました 4 水で洗い 水気をよく切る 5 2を4でなんとなく包み 冷凍する ちなみに1個あたりの重さは50gでした 6 冷凍した5を水で溶いた天ぷら粉につけて揚げる 天ぷら粉 120gに水 150g 袋表示よりもかためにしています 7 揚げたてをいただく 天つゆをかけ 青ネギや生姜を添えると最高です もちろんオーナメントとしてクリスマスツリーに飾っていただいても 無理ですね 失礼いいたしました Soba Tempura TempuraSoba Recipe ASMR oddlysatisfying relaxing soothing therapeutic Japan 音フェチ 天ぷら 海老天 揚げ物
Hey guys, coming to you all with a flirty peachy look today! I’ve partnered with my longest love in the world of Brushes: Sigma Be...
In this beginner watercolor tutorial, we’ll paint a perfectly imperfect fern together step by step! Subscribe to my channel so you...
이제 노을이만 남았네요
【面白い動画】 かわいい猫 - かわいい犬 - 最も面白いペットの動画 #39
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☆ i decided to try something new and show you the cruelty free makeup i've been loving lately (ps. this isn't sponsored i just wan...
Coronavirus Quarantine: Video 2- March 17
I have combined some short videos that have been posted on my social channels to this Calligraphy Compilation video, hope that you...
最近子猫兄妹ばっかりで出番がなく拗ねていた姉妹はというと? おすすめ動画 汚れて白なのかグレーなのかわからない子猫に出会った 子猫を拾ってみた2017part8 可愛いすぎる!!子猫との出会い、そして家...
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