Flower embroidery trick | Hand...
Flower embroidery trick | Hand embroidery flower trick
Bini the Bunny can t sit still which is why when he got ahold of Shai s new fidget spinners there was no question that he was going to figure out how to get them spinning In this video Bini the Bunny curbs his hyperactivity by playing with his spinners in a whole new way and not giving Shai a chance to play Bini s Spinners are here Bini the Bunny has a new website very easy to remember
Flower embroidery trick | Hand embroidery flower trick
When you first create sculpted extensions everything appears smooth and clean, but what do you do after your natural nail starts t...
【面白い動画】 かわいい猫 - かわいい犬 - 最も面白いペットの動画 #26 https://youtu.be/McL6uiFAPlQ
Hand embroidery Border design | Border design for dresses
▼チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKz1Z...
Kare motifler her zaman çok sevilmiş ve kullanılmıştır. Sizler için bende hanım dilendi bey beğendi motifinde yapılan ufak değişik...
【夏の思い出🎐】金魚鉢ゼリー レシピはこちら:https://bit.ly/2OA94Ow
約1ヶ月ぶりのにゃんたい測定です!前回は3.6kgだったので少しだけ痩せましたね^^ このくらいの体重であれば問題ないので維持できるよう頑張りますね( ´ ▽ ` )
오늘도 고양이들과 행복한 아침을 보냈어요. 루루는 오늘 디디의 쮸쮸를 먹다가 디디한테 혼이 났어요. 영상에는 안담겼는데 디디가 헤드락도 했어요. 그리고 오늘 제가 신을 고양이 슬리퍼가 도착했어요! 음... 루루 슬리퍼는 좀 고쳐야 될...
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