============================ 名前 つむ ニックネーム つむちゃん、ツムツム、おつむさん等 性別 女の子 年齢 およそ2ヶ月の赤ちゃん 猫種 スコティッシュフォールド 得意技 おねだりの鳴き声とかわいいポーズ 一言 こ...
Today we have 3 super simple vegan meals to make For your next lunch dinner or breakfast even why not A super simple one pot pasta a lazy vegan caesar salad bowl and a sweet chili pumpkin rice bowl This is gonna be the first of hopefully many pumpkin recipes this season Hope you enjoy Email minarome yt gmail comWebsite www mina rome com INGREDIENTS 1 One Pot Sweet Potato Pasta1 onion2 cloves of garlic1 leek1 inch piece of ginger1 small medium sized sweet potato 2 tsp oil1 tbsp tomato purée1 cup chickpeas 165g 1 ⅔ cup short cut pasta dried 135g 2 cups water 500m 1 ½ tsp vegetable broth powder or 1 ½ cups veggie broth ½ cup water extra water to adjust the consistency if neededjuice of ½ lemonsalt pepper to tastefresh herbs to taste ½ tsp fresh lemon zest would be so nice in this serves 2 2 Tofu Caesar Salad Bowl1 head of romaine lettuce½ small red onion½ block of firm seasoned tofu 200g 1 2 pieces of breada handful of cashews roasted or rawdressing 1 tbsp hummus plain1 2 tsp cashew butter sub for natural almond butter or more hummusa pinch of salt½ tsp garlic dried1 2 tsp nutritional yeast more for the topjuice ½ lemon1 ½ tbsp white wine or apple cider vinegar1 2 tbsp water more if needed serves 1 as a meal 2 as a side 3 Sweet Chili Pumpkin Rice Bowl1 small hokkaido pumpkin1 ½ tbsp vegetable oil1 pinch of saltpepper to taste sauce 1 tbsp apple cider or white wine or rice vinegar2 tbsp vegan honey or maple or agave syrup1 ½ tbsp soy sauce2 ½ tbsp sweet chili or vegan grill saucejuice ½ lemon1 tsp granulated garlic or 2 cloves finely minced1 tsp cornstarch ¼ cup water 60ml more water to thin it out if needed serve with cooked rice greens spring onion sesame seeds etc serves 2background music by outro by somar lonely song not on soundcloud anymore Much love Mina This video is not sponsored
============================ 名前 つむ ニックネーム つむちゃん、ツムツム、おつむさん等 性別 女の子 年齢 およそ2ヶ月の赤ちゃん 猫種 スコティッシュフォールド 得意技 おねだりの鳴き声とかわいいポーズ 一言 こ...
想試試最近日本IG上網美常PO、討論度高,可說是開架彩妝最美的KATE玫瑰眼影盒嗎?按讚+留言告訴我最喜歡哪色?為什麼想要?抽三位直接送你❤️ 12/15截止12/18網站5happy.cc公佈。更多生活動態追蹤 IG:peri168 🦄
Here is my everyday natural makeup routine! (finally haha). This is a "natural" makeup look I like to wear using some of my favour...
コタローと違ってどこでも寝られるハナは、たまに湯たんぽ用の巾着袋の中に潜って寝てます。 寝顔はまるで笑っている恵比寿さんみたい。ご利益ありそうです。
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[구독, 좋아요, 댓글]은 스쿱이에게 엄청 큰 힘이 됩니다♥
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영상이 재미있거나 도움이 되었다면 '구독&좋아요'를 눌러 주세요!
【妆品清单 Products Mentioned】 防晒:MECCA 遮瑕:CINMA SECRETS 粉底:SHU UEMURA #594 眉毛:ANASTASIA 眉粉盘 修容:KEVYN AUCOIN 修容书3代 眼影:Anastasia Sultry ...
By popular demand, we present a video where Hosico meows, look with the sound! 🔊 This is a very rare shot! 😮💓
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