ロロ シリンジ強制給餌卒業しました。(子猫)
Gotcha the Moluccan Cockatoo I use organic coconut oil for the skin on his beak and for dry flaky feet please keep in mind that I blow dry him with WARM COOL air to start when he s completely soaked then move to COOL air from a PTFE free Teflon free hair dryer ONLY to finish For those unaware air from a hair dryer that is too warm or on the hot setting can severely dry out and or burn the sensitive skin around the eyes beak and body of parrots And can cause dry damage to their nasal cavities PTFE is short for polytetrafluoroethylene which is LETHAL to parrots It is the Same chemical compound found in Teflon nonstick pans that are used in some kitchens Teflon releases a toxic gas fumes in the air that has caused so many deaths in parrots it is an excruciatingly horrendous and painful death to birds and can be 100 avoided This is why I stress to do your research when it comes to adopting There are so many things that parrots can and CANNOT have and things that can kill them horribly in seconds Please Educate yourself and know the facts before you consider adopting parrots Thanks for watching 85 of parrots are either resold given away or abandoned within just 2 short years of being purchased I cannot stress enough how heartbreaking this sad truth is Too many people impulse buy parrots because of cute or funny traits they vet seen in other birds A life stuck in a cage is cruel and so unfair to these magnificent beautiful creatures They deserve the absolute best So if you are interested in a parrot adopt one because you have the time and energy and if you want to save them from a life stuck behind bars not solely because they are cute or funny etc parrots are a LIFETIME commitment They can live up to 80 years I ve given up many many things the to give my two parrots the best life they can possibly have Please do your research before adopting After all we have our friends our jobs and our hobbies They only have us
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Welcome back to Best in Beauty! In this episode, I get a hair makeover by a Korean celebrity hair stylist. She does hair for Jenni...
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