Spring Flowers On Short Nails! | BONUS Easter Bunny + Flower Bouquet Nail Art

by Robin Moses Nail Art

Spring Flowers On Short Nails! | BONUS Easter Bunny + Flower Bouquet Nail Art


Hi Everyone Up for today is a nailart tutorial that is FULL of flowers and an Easter Bunny nail on the thumb Mix pastel Rainbow florals with a few extras for your perfect springnails design Hot pink flowers with accent blue mini flowers and daisies wash over the tips of this perfect french manicure done on short nails Here you learn how to place flowers perfectly as a full design or just enhance your favorite spring polish color with one nail painted this way as an accent that enhances your look and makes you smile Have fun painting your Nails When you copy give credit by hashtagging me inspiredbyrobinmoses and get brushes worldwide at robinmosesnailart com Love Robin Moses Nail Art Wizard Ph D Hail to the N A W Hashtag me inspiredbyrobinmoses when you copy my nailart Add robinmoseswizards teamrobinmoses robinmosessisterhood and find our places Master skills with nailartists learning nails all over the world SHOW ME robinmosesnailart on instagramworldwide OTHER PLACES disabled until further notice



Futaba fawns upon the caretake...

  • by HIRO@sea 763

ハシビロコウのふたばちゃんが、お水を止めに来てくれた飼育員さんに 甘えるシーンです。 頭フリフリがとっても可愛いです! Futaba fawns upon the caretaker. (2019.12月撮影)