Stan & Romeo cuddling/snoozing

by Leff Handed Productions

Stan & Romeo cuddling/snoozing


More of your favorite bulldog iguana friendship Don t try this at home kids It took years for them to be comfortable around each other but I still don t take chances They are always supervised Romeo the iguana was a rescue from RICA in St Paul MN



NAKAYOSHI猫達:フルコースの夕膳 反省と感謝忘れない

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海と猫がいる景色:何があたったか 健太郎がかなりぼろぼろになってやって来た。もう陽が傾いていている。いつもと違う行動。耳の下両面毛がぬけている。争いしたのかいな。この落ち込みから見て負けおったな。これはまどうてやらねばならないな。黒こっぺ、鶏、ミルクの順に出そ...

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****Harlequin & her kittens have been adopted! ****** WATCH OUR LIVE 24/7 FOSTER KITTEN CAM Go to to see our ...

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A simple beaded chain can turn any pendant or tassel into a beautiful necklace . my facebook my ...

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Chegou o dia de arrasar bordando rosa de rococó! Vem com a gente aprender a aplicar esse ponto para fazer um botão delicado ou uma...

티티에게는 사랑이 조금 더 필요해요

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최근에 티티 고양이가 신장이 안좋아져서 병원에 다녀왔어요. 티티가 더 건강해졌으면 하는 마음에 더 잘 케어해 주려고 노력하고 있어요. 다행히도 티티가 더 활동적으로 변했고 수분 섭취도 잘 하고 있어요.