STUDIO TALK: how to deal with the fear of creative failure

by creationsceecee

STUDIO TALK: how to deal with the fear of creative failure


using a painting as reference i am sharing my experience on how i overcome the fear of failure SUPPLIES LIST please click show more below email catherine creationsceecee com for inquiries about original artwork for sale motivational art watercolor mixedmedia ONLINE CLASSES AVAILABLE SUPPLIES USED IN THIS VIDEO canal paper 100 Papeterie St Armand watercolor paints phthalocyanine turquoise and primary yellow Sennelier transparent pyrrol orange Daniel Smith white gouache Winsor Newton jumbo circles template Westcott white gelly roll XPGB 50 Sakura black Permawriter size 01 YC pocket brush pen with black india ink cartridge Pentel No 6 round watercolor brush Caviar by Dynasty No 2 round watercolor brush Silver Black Velvet Series 3000 WHERE I SHOP my specific brush recommendations at www thebrushguys com FOLLOW ME MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO palm trees by Just Normal Rico by Jobii melatonin by Epidemic Sound




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