Watercolor Brush Embroidered Cookie Tutorial and Martha Bakes Sweepstakes!

by SweetAmbsCookies

Watercolor Brush Embroidered Cookie Tutorial and Martha Bakes Sweepstakes!


Here s what you ll need for this project 3 1 2 Round cookie cutter Flood consistency royal icing for flooding 12 Decorating Bags Couplers Bag ties Decorating tip 3 Decorating tip 2 Scribe tool Food coloring Blue and Pink from the Wilton Color Right Set Large dusting brush from the Wilton 2 piece set Square tip brush from the Wilton 5 piece set Paint palette Grain alcohol vodka or extract for painting Alcohol or flavored extracts are used for painting on royal icing because they evaporate very quickly which means that the liquid won t dissolve the icing as you are applying the paint The stronger the alcohol the better Thank you to Domino Sugar for sponsoring this video



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