Itens de Costura e Bordado da ...
Que alegria!! Mais um vídeo com resenha de produtinhos de costura e bordado da China, que a gente ama. Se você assim como eu, fica...
Hey so this was actually the video before the family reunion as Grandma arrived first so this shows how excited they were before hand We thought we would try something different as a little experiment and we weren t disappointed It s obvious to see that Both dogs realised after they had passed grandma and could clearly smell her scent It s so strange that they can remember a smell so distinctly If you watch all of our videos with grandma they jump around sniffing the air before they find her and know she is there They recognise sounds like grandads motorbike or even his van on the road and know before they even get in the house We ll have to outsmart them somehow next time So Grandma was wearing her jacket a hood up and even a mask looking down She didn t even have her tones turned on while typing on her phone dead giveaway Such good and happy doggo As you can see they are very strong as well We ve been trying to get Derek to jump over our back fence and pretend to be an intruder won t as he thinks I ll let Phil out haha Thanks again for watching guys we love all the support and kind comments you give us Love from all the gang xx
Que alegria!! Mais um vídeo com resenha de produtinhos de costura e bordado da China, que a gente ama. Se você assim como eu, fica...
Sisley you played me ... your powder is downright Evil! xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & After PHOTOS HERE » » »
ご視聴ありがとうございます(^^) 動画が少しでもイイと思ったら、Goodボタン・チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします♪
こんにちは「モチコフ」です(*‘ω‘ *)
Highly requested video! This is how I do my makeup in 5 minutes everyday (so it is a quick and easy routine that works even if you...
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