Surprise Dragon Egg Candles

by BuzzFeed Nifty

Surprise Dragon Egg Candles


Get your life together with the Nifty Organization Journal bit ly 2AYkXm2Here is what you ll need DRAGON EGG CANDLESMATERIALSOld candlesCandle wickCrayons in desired colorPencil or carving tool Nonflammable spray paintCeramic dragonJumbo easter egg INSTRUCTIONSMelt candles in a pan or pot over low heat Add crayons in your desired color to dye the wax Pour wax into the bottom of the jumbo easter egg about 1 inch deep Attach wick by placing it in wax and letting it harden Drill a hole in the top of the jumbo egg large enough to fit a funnel into Place the ceramic dragon figurine on top of the hardened wax then top the egg off with its lid Insert a funnel and pour remaining wax into the egg until it is completely full Wait until it is completely dry Once dry open the egg and remove the candle Carve scales into the egg using a pencil or some other carving tool Spray the egg in your desired color of nonflammable spray paint Check us out on Facebook facebook com buzzfeedniftyMUSICSFX Provided By AudioBlocks



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